About Us
Our core funding comes from Inverclyde council.
Recent funding obtained from other sources can be found here.
Management & Board
Youth Connections board is led by young people and supported by sympathetic adults.
Youth Connections, Inverclyde’s Sector Charity for Young People, was established in 1999, and has been operating across Inverclyde in a variety of settings and roles.
We have gone through a variety of changes which has seen us close our Headquarters in Clyde Square, moving them to Burns Square, and then close our operation in Leven Raad due to Government cuts, survived a potential shut down in 2018 (Fought and won by the community) before opening in Gibshill in September of 2019.
Currently we manage two sites, one at Burns Square and one at Gibshill. We are also dealing with a request to deliver outreach sessions in another part of the town ( Watch this space)